``Água da Namaacha``
The water from Namaacha is naturally enriched by minerals in the womb of the Libombos mountain range. It undergoes a modern and meticulous industrial process so that, this SAM Premium brand, reaches the consumer at the highest level of quality, dignifying the honor of bear the Made in Mozambique seal.
The production process of “Água da Namaacha” begins with the collection, which takes place in the heart of the Libombos mountain range, where the source resides. From there, the water is conducted to the production unit, where it undergoes a rigorous filtering and analysis process, without the use of chemical additives, from where it passes to the filling phase. All packages and capsules are produced at the Sociedade de Águas de Moçambique (SAM) factory, personalized with their letterhead and with the reference date, hour and minute of filling each unit.
It was in the 19th century that the mineromedicinal properties of the waters of the Namaacha springs were discovered, but their commercial exploitation only began much later, more specifically in the early years of 1952. This evolution took place in a very tenuous way, as would be the prerogative of the season in this sector of activity. From that time on, a product from Fonte Ferrão (Ferrão Spring) was called “Água da Namaacha” and began to be marketed, gaining importance and value over the next two decades.